Steph Fit Coaching

Online coach and personal trainer

Who I Help

Most men and women who come to me have tried it all before, the diets, the classes, the couch to 5k and seen some results, but struggle to keep it up. I want this to the last new thing that you try. 

I help you exercise in a way that suits your busy lifestyle, working around injuries and lifelong niggles to get you moving well and feeling your best. I'm there to provide accountability, to support you in movement, show you how to reach your goals, and make sure that you get there.

"Steph is a joy to train with, motivational and very knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition. She developed a personal plan targeting key areas I wanted to work on, including strengthening my legs to support running and help with injury prevention" 


"I worked with Steph for 6 months and the progress I made was amazing. She's great at personalised plans, to nutrition recommendations and recipes, as well as holistic health, weekly check-ins keep you accountable but keep it realistic too" 


Personal training

Personal training provides that face to face training to help support you best in a gym environment, with structured accountability, and a training plan designed around you and your goals.

Online coaching

Online coaching provides accountability and support, with a personalised training plan, weekly support, nutritional guidance and an emphasis on meeting you where you are at to best support you to reach your goals.

"I feel great, and I feel hopeful that for the first time in a long time that this is the right thing for me" 


"I have more energy, I feel I'm really making progress at last. My back feels stronger and my knees are like they were 10 years ago!!


About Me

I'm a personal trainer, online coach and nutritionist, and I work with you to reach your goals in a sustainable, supportive way that suits your lifestyle. No matter what barriers, injury, illness, family responsibilities, career responsibilities, I am here to help you exercise in a way that suits you, and supports you. My ethos is that fitness is for everyone, and I work with both men and women get stronger, fitter and healthier.

Personal training available in: ROM Sligo, Cleveragh Retail Park, Sligo Town 

Working hours: Monday-Friday, 6am-4pm daily.

Phone: +353 87 057 4696


Follow me: @stephfitcoaching on Instagram